Letter: Drones/C-51

It’s almost as if the federal and provincial governments are co-existing in a different dimension…

To the editor:

Re: Amazon testing drone delivery in Canada:

In today’s world of threatened ‘home grown terrorists,’ and the fact that there are many Canadians who not only share the ideology, but have slipped away to join ISIS, this despicable group of persons whose brutality and savagery, equates to or surpasses the level of the Nazis or Japanese during the Second World War, I was amazed that the “deep thinker” would allow Amazon to put a fleet of drones, into the air that are virtually invisible, untraceable, to go anywhere unseen, and without controls into B.C. airspace.

It would be impossible to separate these from another that could be carrying explosives, or biohazard material, into communities, government offices or public venues.

It’s almost as if the federal and provincial governments are co-existing in a different dimension that would allow this type of unfettered access, at the same time we are implementing Bill C-51 and ramping up our support for the military actions in the Middle East.

I totally support the Canadian position in the Middle East, and realize that appeasement has never, will never, be a solution to those who would threaten our very existence. Those who have embraced their philosophy and joined ISIS, have surrendered their right to be Canadian and all the rights that our military and their families have sacrificed, for all Canadians.

I realize I have covered two topics here, but only because they are inseparable.

Chuck Liebrock, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News