
Letter: Drug situation out of control in Duncan

It's time that all levels of government take this very seriously

Drug situation out of control in Duncan

About two weeks ago, my husband and I were entering the drive-through at Burger King and noticed a young man standing on the grass out front. Suddenly he started to jump up and down and kept it up for a few minutes. He was totally strung out on drugs and didn’t even know where he was. After a minute or so, we noticed feces dropping from his pantleg and then he wandered on completely oblivious!

This situation and others as written in by Olga Blouin (Citizen, July 8) has got to stop! These people should all be rounded up and forced into a lock-down facility until they are off those hideous drugs! If this does not happen soon, they will all overdose and most will die but not before they’ve ruined lots of neighbourhoods. It’s time that all levels of government take this very seriously!

Pat McGregor


Cowichan Valley Citizen