
Letter: Duncan Manor plans unsafe

Fire and earthquake evacuation, for an aging and disabled population is a serious issue

Duncan Manor plans unsafe

Safety for residents should be the number one consideration when planning/designing a new Duncan Manor and I don’t think that has been given much thought when two six-storey buildings are planned.

Fire and earthquake evacuation, for an aging and disabled population is a serious issue. Use of stairs for many such occupants in high rise buildings is not a viable option and we all have seen the “do not use an elevator during a fire” message. In addition, the plans call for a kitchen in every unit and there will be no central dining room in either building, which certainly ups the possibility of fires. Two six-storey buildings for approximately 300 seniors and disabled! I believe the plan is negligent!

For 14 years I worked in a large three-storey psychiatric hospital and each year we were required to do “fire training” exercises. As part of that training we had to work with a partner to evacuate a “patient” (actually a staff member) folded in a mattress, down three flights of stairs! It was very difficult and time consuming. It would be impossible to evacuate many in that manner down six flights of stairs with a fire raging. City hall must alter their plans.

Gary Wiebe


Cowichan Valley Citizen