LETTER: Eco-balance does not include seal cull

We have not seen any increase in seals or sea lions, but we have seen a decrease in fish...

LETTER: Eco-balance does not include seal cull

To the Editor,

Two recent articles in the Alberni Valley News caught my eye: the talk of seal culling and the finding of “bugs” not just in fish farmed salmon but now in the wild salmon as well. A co-relation you think?

And not because of the increase in seals.

As long as we have watched the fishing at the Somass River and at the shore by Qualicum Beach we have not seen any increase in seals or sea lions, but we have seen a decrease in fish.

Yet ironically the number of fish farms in Canadian waters by offshore interests has increased, and so has the amount of fish factories—again, offshore interest overfishing in Canadian waters.

Sad. But we want to blame the seals and the sea lions, not the cowardly politicians.

Please refer to the importance of animal predators for maintaining a healthy eco balance.

Ruth John,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News