Letter: editor shouldn't run certain letters

Letter: editor shouldn’t run certain letters

Letter writer wants Quesnel Observer to not run letters from Arthur Topham


Arthur Topham’s recent letter to the editor required some research.

I was not at all surprised to discover that Monika Schaefer is a Holocaust-denier. She calls the Holocaust – wherein six million Jewish people were systematically murdered – the “six million lie.”

Clearly, meticulous Nazi records, photographic and video evidence from multiple sources will not convince this woman – nor her supporters – that Hitler’s Final Solution was actually a reality.

It is a criminal offence to make statements such as these in Germany. I am surprised that more Holocaust deniers aren’t aware of this fact. Surprised, but not compassionate.

While Mr. Topham may feel Schaefer “has the right to make up her own mind on questions of history,” the families of those six million do not.

Germany clearly does not either.

Having suffered through years of Mr. Topham’s egregious letters to the editor – at least when they pertain to Second World War history – I so dearly wish the Observer would stop printing them.

Or at the very least, run a column by a local history teacher in order to publish some facts alongside his version of “history.”

Sarah Shipley


Quesnel Cariboo Observer