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LETTER: Education is key to creating an equal world

Aldergrove reader 'resentful' of response by Christian Heritage Party candidate

Dear Editor,

RE: Candidate Q&A: Laura-Lynn Thompson

Upon reviewing, with interest, the four Abbotsford South candidates’ responses to a selection of questions created by the Aldergrove Star staff, I was astounded by the divisive, misleading, and racist comments from Laura-Lynn Thompson.

She begins her diatribe with an erroneous statement that Black Lives Matter is “a growing religious cult.”

Citing the names of three individuals and their alleged connections to witchcraft, covens, voodoo, and spirituality, she invites the reader to “do your research.”

I invite Ms. Thompson to do her research.

It must be noted that one cannot form a general opinion of spirituality, covens, witchcraft, and voodoo without knowledge and context.

Ms. Thompson’s gross assumptions are chilling and offensive.

For a comprehensive explanation of the Black Lives Matter global organization, I invite her to carefully read the home page of There she will learn that many initiatives have been developed to offer all members of colour an equitable position in the global stage of police reform, anti-racism, cross-culture appreciation, education, anti-violence, and acceptance of religious diversity.

Sadly, Ms. Thompson’s opinions reflect a minimal awareness of a few individuals (cited as “lesbian leaders”….” and “…..members to be driven in support of trans people”…..two phrases indicating intolerance, homophobia and human dismissal) rather than the support that these women may offer for a larger and constructive effort toward global humanity.

I am deeply resentful that Ms. Thompson writes that “BLM anarchists… now make no bones about murdering anyone in the name of their religious movement.”

In any organization, there will be a number of members who behave in a manner that is harmful to others and illegal. BLM leaders who appear on public television, write articles in well-respected newspapers and magazines clearly express disdain, sorrow, and regret upon learning of destructive, aggressive, and criminal acts by BLM members.

I will never defend anyone who chooses assault, murder, vandalism, and other forms of criminality in the name of protest.

But I do encourage the reading of historic material that defines the prolonged terror, inequity, murder, disregard, and disposal of black men, women, and children who were enslaved on our continent decades ago.

Slavery in Canada and in the United States may have become illegal but discrimination, fear, misunderstanding, abuse, and inequity for people of colour prevails.

We have a long way to go regarding safety, acceptance, support, and understanding for persons from all over the world.

Education is key.

Ms. Thompson never did answer the important question that Aldergrove Star staff posed: “….should BC increase the penalties of hate speech ?” I will answer that with a resounding YES!

After reading her comments, I believe that Laura-Lynn Thompson has lost credibility and any eligibility for leadership in Canada.

Susan Gorris, Aldergrove


[Editor’s Note: This is a reaction to Christian Heritage Party candidate (and party leader) for Abbotsford South Laura-Lynn Thompson’s response to a media series of questions and answers released prior to election, where MLA hopefuls were able to respond in print to one of 10 questions. Thompson picked #3: In the era of Black Lives Matter, should B.C. increase the penalties for hate speech?]


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Langley Advance Times