LETTER: Efficiency study needed at city hall

Mr. Kimberley is wrong in that the increase will be to four, not two people, in that department.

This is a response to Angela Dowling’s letter to the editor (Western News, Aug. 17, Learn to engage with the public) wherein she thanks Jake Kimberley for his very clear job description for mayor and city clerk.

Mr. Kimberley is wrong in that the increase will be to four, not two people, in that department.

I have been previously served by the corporate officer’s assistant when requesting information. The third addition is the present communications officer with the proposed engagement officer being the fourth person fulfilling communication duties. If each department increased at a ratio of four to one; city payroll would soon number by thousands.

Kimberley claims even a second person is unnecessary. Yet when he was mayor he expanded communications hiring a communications officer in 2006. Mr. Kimberley’s memory is self-serving and convenient as he is likely planning on running in the next election. Kimberley’s expansion of management at city hall provided impetus for the Core Service Review.

We need an efficiency study at city hall instead of this constant increase in management staff.

An efficiency study would recognize the hard work; efficiency and contribution of those whose work goes largely unrecognized. It would also highlight the slackers and those that take advantage of other employees to lighten their load. It would highlight time-consuming make-work projects. An efficiency study is an opportunity to recognize and reward those that deserve it; Recognition of abilities that likely have remained off the radar screen of the CAO.

Individual departments can be their own little worlds with little opportunity for advancement. A study would open this up. This is what leads to future advancement as individual talents are recognized outside of their departments.

It also provides an opportunity to cut the dead wood.

Elvena Slump




Penticton Western News