Letter: Eggs fine, but what about the chickens?

Kelowna letter-writer says story fell short of the true story

To the editor:

Perhaps it is newsworthy that an egg, in the egg industry, is to be subject of a research study and that a research chair has been granted to Professor Nathan Pelletier (UBCO professor to work with egg industry, Jan. 19)by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The five people pictured with the article no doubt know the details of the research and how it will affect the university’s budget.

However, don’t Capital News readers deserve to have some idea of how the research will develop “food systems that are environmentally sustainable, economically viable and that contribute to our health and well-being?” An abstract might have helped to explain how the research will proceed, but it is missing. Also missing is at least one photograph showing the industry’s egg producers: The chickens. Battery hens, imprisoned in small cages until their production quotas falter, surely deserve to be pictured with the story as well.

Helen Schiele, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News