LETTER: Election results show need for change in Sidney

LETTER: Election results show need for change in Sidney

Send your letters to editor@peninsulanewsreview.com

The residents of Sidney have spoken loud and clear, when casting their votes on election day.

It is to be hoped now that Sidney has a new mayor and council the people will be heardand listened to respectfully, of their concerns at all public council meetings.

Our Community Plan needs to be fully readdressed and not changed without public input, or at the whim of out-of-town developers. Affordable housing, not marketable as noted from new developments the past four years, was a key issue in this election and should be number one priority with the new council.

What is left of the ambiance in our community, we need to protect. Our business merchants can only survive with the influx of visitors, from all parts of the world, to enjoy the charm and seaside panorama of Sidney.

High density buildings for the sake of commerce, does not bode well in our once-charming town. For those residents who now face new buildings and who have been denied their sky-space this is unacceptable and needs to be addressed with all new developments.

Caroline Whitehead


Peninsula News Review