Letter: Electric cars not so eco-friendly

Dear Editor,

Electric vehicles cannot make it on their own.

They can’t compete without government injection of our tax dollars. In spite of that, still 87 per cent of people can’t be enticed to buy one even if they could afford it.

People who purchase elec/hybrids are higher income earners, so through government tax giveaways, it’s the struggling lower income class subsidizing the more affluent class.

Washington State’s Policy Centre study shows that nearly half of tax breaks go to the wealthiest people who are the most likely to purchase electric cars anyway, so the tax break subsidies result in few new electric vehicle sales.

Our B.C. government ignores the real science and continues to buy elite votes with our tax dollars as they subsidize each new hybrid/electric $5,000, plus $500 to install a charging station at home.

Another $6.28 million for a ‘Community Charging Infrastructure Fund’ for 570 public charging stations and upgrades around the province, to Prince Rupert.

Plus many more Liberal riding campaign subsidies to local governments for charging stations to try to influence green voters.

Electric cars don’t emit CO2 on the road, but the energy used for their manufacture and battery-charges far negates any benefits.

And the batteries are depleting our rare earth metals like lithium.

How environmentally hypocritical and destructive is that?

The ‘elec/hybrid’ is merely a status symbol for the pompous elites, like virtue signaling that they are more eco-responsible caring than us carbon fuel peons.

The market is the best judge whether gas, diesel, electric, hybrid cars are used, not the government trying to pick winners and losers with disrespect for our tax dollars.

Roland Seguin, Fernridge



Langley Advance