Letter: Elliott Street housing development will put family in financial peril, say locals

Letter: Elliott Street housing development will put family in financial peril, say locals

Owners of home adjacent to proposed housing development want answers from BC Housing


Open letter to BC Housing and residents of Quesnel

Let us start by saying that feeling forced into writing an open letter to get any kind of communication from BC Housing is a very uncomfortable situation to be in. We have previously attended City Council meetings, tried to talk with BC Housing reps Mr. Stedman and Mr. Tohill, but we have only ever been brushed off or made a promise to be kept apprised of the situation, but nothing ever has been accomplished.

The last communication was on June 18, when I called Mr. Stedman and he promised to keep in touch and let me know what is going on with the proposed Elliott Street supportive housing development. Yet another two months have dragged by without any communication.

Please take the time to read this letter as we will try to make clear how this project will negatively effect our family’s financial future and our tenants’ privacy and use of their yard.

As the only abutting homeowners, we are in a uniquely affected situation with the proposed housing development. This housing project would dramatically change the use and future rent-ability of our little house. It will simply be too much of a financial hit for us to bear if this development is allowed to be built directly beside us without BC Housing acquiring our house and lot to allow for us to relocate and for BC Housing to have room for future expansion as needed.

A very tall three-storey condo building with a huge security fence almost within arms reach of our house is just a nightmare for us. Future tenants would be scared away by the looming giant development full of societies most at-risk individuals right beside them. Access to the side yard would be cut off, and the use of the yard would be so different from what it was before. It is just unacceptable to expect us to deal with this completely unforeseen and unexpected change of everything that was good and unique about our house’s location. It is private and quiet, well away from anyone; but we fear not for long.

BC Housing shouldn’t be allowed to force us into this situation. We had no idea that this could ever happen and therefore it is totally unfair to build this development right next to us, literally within just a few feet, because our house sits on the corner of the lot closest to the proposal. The cost to purchase our house would be much less than building, and would allow BC Housing to have additional rental units or three more lots for expansion. It could be a win-win if BC Housing does the right thing.

If they don’t, it could force our family into financial peril with an unrentable house overshadowed first by a massive noisy construction project, and then by a towering, sun-blocking housing development that could allow their 30-plus tenants to smoke outside on the sidewalk directly beside our house, thus further infringing on our tenants and our own right to breathe fresh air.


Sean and Danielle Cunningham

Owners of 323 Elliott Street,

Quesnel, B.C.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer