Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Letter: Embrace real facts

The climate change delusion is a kind of irrational denialism by the scientific establishment

The climate change delusion is a kind of irrational denialism by the scientific establishment, refusing to embrace real facts.

Climate alarmists aren’t interested in reporting any actual facts rooted in real science. They are only interested in terrorizing the world population with fake science while demanding everybody pay a few trillion dollars to Al Gore and his climate skimmers who profit by charging countries for the “right” to produce CO2. And governments are willing collaborators who pass on the inflated buck to the taxpayers.

The emissions from combustion engines is but a tiny source of CO2, and after all, carbon dioxide is vital for plant life on earth and rather helps to moderate climate. What is more destructive and has greater impact on the earth’s climate are forest fires, possible meteor impacts, volcanic eruptions and chemtrails, not to forget the variations of the sun’s activities – all of which are not in the purview of man.

Climate change and the rise and fall of ocean levels are cycles in the life of this planet, so why all the fuzz about something we cannot change? However, what we as individuals can change is to reduce and/or eliminate the amount of garbage we produce – especially the plastics that pollute the environment.

Rolf Loth


Penticton Western News