
LETTER: Enforce motorcycle noise bylaw in Nelson

From reader Tina Shields

How our valleys are situated surrounded by lakes and mountains makes it the perfect conduit for sound as well as extraordinary beauty. With summer almost upon us, the sounds of motors reverberate through the hills once again. Motorboats, planes, helicopters, lawnmowers and weed whackers, and Sea-Doos all add to the cacophony, but especially the ubiquitous motorcycles.

My understanding is that there is a noise bylaw, but that it isn’t really enforced due to the speeds of the offending vehicles. What if decibel monitors were installed at the three entrances to our City of Nelson. If the vehicle were over a certain decibel, a photograph would be taken of the license plate and the owner would be sent a fine. Our tourist magazines and Chamber of Commerce outlets could inform our visitors of the new strategies implemented, while still welcoming their visit.

As I write this it is 7:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning. I hear the revving of motorcycles spoiling the peace and quiet. I find it obnoxious and disrespectful. Perhaps the time has come to entertain ideas to quieten down vehicular noise pollution so that we can enjoy the beauty of summer with all the sounds of nature at our doorstep.

Tina Shields


Nelson Star