Dear Editor:
I believe Bob Groeveld is retired so can be forgiven for being out of the loop.
I want him to know the American election is over and the American electorate repudiated the so-called legacy of Barack Obama and the new president is Donald Trump.
For at least the last five years the Obama administration has failed both in foreign affairs and internally.
As to the countries facing a temporary immigration ban, the previous five presidencies, including Obama, have implemented temporary bans.
It’s not a Muslim ban.
It’s a ban on countries that support terrorism and export them, countries that vow death to America.
Their citizens find these countries so bad they want to emigrate to North America. President Obama’s immigration policies were irresponsible.
While they should have been cleaning up Chicago, for instance, they were letting illegal immigrants pour into their country.
Cherryl Katnich,
Maple Ridge
P.S. Can we move on now?