LETTER: Environmental concerns over pipeline challenged

How do pipelines, which are underground, contribute to "a massive carbon contribution" here in Abbotsford?

Re: Public input on pipeline plan…first of all, kudos to Reporter Alex Butler for a well-written article on Kinder Morgan’s invitation for public input into its proposed pipeline route in the Abbotsford area.  (Abbotsford News, June 25)

However, could I seek a few points of clarification….

How much is 110,000 litres?  I thought oil was measured in cubic metres.  Would 110,000 litres fill my bathtub? The children’s plastic pool next door? The swimming pool at the Matsqui Rec Centre?

How will the pipeline impact people who live near the existing pipeline and the school(s) located nearby other than during the construction phase?  What concerns does Mr. John Vissers have?  Is he a scientist?

How do pipelines, which are underground, contribute to “a massive carbon contribution” here in Abbotsford?  Does he mean that if the Chinese don’t buy our better quality crude oil they will buy lower quality crude oil from other countries and increase the “carbon contribution” in their part of the world, which will then be blown across the Pacific Ocean to our part of the world and ruin our health?

Could Dr. Vissers explain what impact hundreds of thousands of cars, tens of hundreds of trucks, dozens of diesel locomotives and over 150 airplanes at YVR every day have on our airshed compared to one tanker?

Did Dr. Vissers conduct a multi-million dollar assessment of the particulates in the air in the Fraser Valley that come from oil tankers leaving Vancouver harbour or would cars, trucks, trains and airplanes have something to do with that?

I agree with Dr. Vissers that we need to challenge significant polluters… does he drive a car?  I don’t!  I ride a bicycle…and am pollution-free!

G.E. MacDonell


Abbotsford News