Letter Eric Woodward seeking input on next Fort Langley project

Editor: Starting on Jan. 30, I will unveil my next proposal for the commercial area of Fort Langley, this time at the centre of the village, the corner of Glover Road and Mary Avenue.

As I have written to you before, I am not a developer, per se, only a local resident trying to make my community a better, more vibrant place.

I only want to build buildings that matter, buildings that can truly make a real difference to improve and revitalize Fort Langley.

To me, quality materials, great design, environmental responsibility, hidden parking, and community matter more than profit.

I accept that we live in a cynical age, and some simply won’t believe this, but I sincerely hope others recognize that Coulter Berry represents these principles, first and foremost, whatever their opinion of it.

The next proposal coming up will be just that: a proposal.

It is important to me to gather as much input from anyone who wants to offer it, and proceed from there, before finalizing any design for Council’s ultimate consideration.

Anyone is welcome to RSVP at  www.glovermarychurch.com/rsvp and attend our initial presentations and extensive Q&A from Jan. 30 to Feb. 1, at the Fort Langley Community Hall.

Anyone can ask anything. All feedback is welcome.

I truly hope the community can move forward in a more constructive way than we have seen here in Fort Langley in the past. I will do everything that I can to involve and listen to anyone who wants to participate in the planning process, for the betterment of Fort Langley.

Eric Woodward,

Fort Langley

Langley Times