Photo: Bill Metcalfe

Photo: Bill Metcalfe

LETTER: Even strong friends need check-in during pandemic

From reader Blair Weston

Last week was crap. Wednesday morning I hit the wall with the isolation malaise and stayed in bed until a work crisis kicked in and I felt some value again. But I wrapped my head around the issue, set a course of action, and was back to feeling valueless.

I know having work set your internal value is lousy but at that moment, at least I had that. Many do not.

Then the weekend was awash in crap and turmoil, big decisions and course corrections and all in this reality of having no idea what the hell the world is going to look like in a month. It was enough to make me want to stick my head out a window and scream (by the way, if you are feeling this way, 7 p.m. is a great time to let it fly).

Anyway, I am certain I project as a strong willful human with a big ego and complete sense of being and that most folks would not worry about me. However, that Wednesday the wall hit so hard and then the weekend it hit harder. I am over it now, talked through it with a few folks, hugged my kids and I will be fine.

Why am I putting this to print? Because we all need to check on our strong friends. All our friends for sure but do not forget the “they will be fine ones.” And not with a text but with a call. It’s so easy to fake it with your thumbs but get someone talking and you’ll find out what’s really going on.

This strain on our well being is only going to get worse before it gets better and mental health is going to be razor thin. It is not enough anymore to say “call if you want to talk I’m here for you” because take it from me, when you are feeling crappy it makes you feel even crappier to instigate a call to talk about your crap.

Anyway, you all don’t need to call me. I’m good, but maybe over the next week spread some calls around. It helps.

Blair Weston


Nelson Star