Letter: ‘Exclusive’ dog park sets double standard

Editor: We are writing in support of L. Dondo’s opinion, published in the Times in April 2016.  Last week we had a disturbing experience at the Jackman Wetlands Park.

We understand the Fraser Valley Retriever Training Club has leased a portion of the park for their training purposes. There was a fellow in the park training his retriever.

We were very respectful and had our dogs on leash and took the opposite trail around him, not to disturb his training.

We were the only other people in the park. When we were on the other side of the park we let our dogs off leash for a bit of a run. This fellow purposefully came over and started to video tape us.  We asked him to turn off the video as he does not have our permission to tape us.  He has no idea who we are so where was he going with this?

Tonight we went back to the park and the same fellow was on a leisurely stroll with his dogs, off leash, clearly not training them.

This park is beautiful for well-behaved dogs. There is a pond which our guys love to play in.  We should mention, Aldergrove is lacking a decent doggie park with off-leash trails and a water feature. My question to the municipality is, what portions are you leasing to the club and are their dogs allowed to be off leash when not in training?

There seems to be a double standard here. We pay for the park as well in our taxes.  We have looked into joining their club in order for our dogs to be off leash as well.  We don’t mind paying a membership fee, but our dogs are not “eligible.”

Perhaps we should start a club for the Fraser Valley Mutt Society, so we can lease a part of the park as well.

Sue Brennan,


Langley Times