Letter: Expand and improve reuse facility

We are such an affluent and wasteful society, writes Rosemary Phillips.

Trash to Treasure, the one day a year for recycling stuff, really is not a solution to the issue of where-to-take, where-to-put stuff that we are getting rid of, or in the case of many like myself, finding stuff to furnish a home. (Reuse centre at landfill is closing – Grand Forks Gazette, March 30, 2016)

With this decision to close the Free Store, as we locals have called it, I sense the Boundary is moving a step backwards in waste management, not forwards.

The Free Store has been a place to find furnishings and supplies—for free. These items may require a bit of fixing up, cleaning, a coat of paint, sanding or whatever, but for those on limited income, perfect solutions and unique finds. Myself I have found shelving, lamps, carpets, chairs, tables and more.

It amazes me what people throw into the dumpsters and on the wood and metal piles. Is it laziness, lack of awareness, or no proper avenue to recycle more effectively? I recently saw sets for a play with brand new 2x4s and sheets of plywood that just required taking apart and reusing. What happens to all that wood? Does it just get burned?

Why not expand and improve this recycling facility? Build barns at the landfills, with reclaimed materials where possible, and hire staff to separate furnishings, reusable woods, metals, plastics and more. Make it available by donation. Put tax dollars to good use for the future, and really save on filling the landfill.

Have any of those who made this decision ever used the Free Store? Had to?

We are such an affluent and wasteful society. Our legacy? Garbage and stuff in the landfill.

– Rosemary Phillips, Grand Forks



Grand Forks Gazette