Letter writer Ken Hyde said the Lake to Lake bicycle route benefits a small amount of people and costs taxpayers a huge amount.

Letter: Expensive bike route nobody wants

Letter writer Ken Hyland says costly bike lane benefits very few

Dear Editor,

In response to coun. Katie Robinsons’s comments concerning bicycle lanes, that this could be a “Game Changer” for Penticton, I would like to say “REALLY!?”

Well, in one way I suppose it could be. I as well as a lot of other taxpayers in our city are going to remember this “Game-changer” next election.

The majority of us, I am sure, are totally opposed to the $8 million plus probably another $4 million in underestimated costs! This is an extreme waste for such a few number of our citizens who might cycle on a more than an occasional basis.

Don’t get me wrong, I have some good friends and some kin folk that visit here that do enjoy biking around town. Some even cycle to work occasionally but this is a totally ridiculous expense to the tax payers in general.

The options we were given did not include “no additional bike lanes,” or “no additional costs or inconvenience”.

Mrs.Robinson’s 30 year old dream is outdated. Check the population and vehicles on the road compared to 1990.

I believe there is a ground swell of taxpayers that are going to say “enough is enough” or “give your head a shake.”

We’re tired of those who think they can simply reach into our wallet and take whatever they want for the benefit of a very small percentage of our citizens.

Ken Hyland


Penticton Western News