Letter: Eye on Shaw

Now Shaw is exerting their editorial control over every news item.

To the editor:

After Shaw took over “The Okanagan’s Very Own” CHBC there have been many changes.

First they laid off all the local production staff, running robot cameras from Toronto. This has resulted in many technical glitches which must be very awkward for the on air people.

Now Shaw is exerting their editorial control over every news item. When Shaw had a massive Internet failure in the BC Interior, there was no mention at all on their TV news. When they aired coverage of the Telus Ride for a Cure, they made no mention of rival Telus and made sure camera angles did not ever show the Telus logo.

I like to watch local news coverage but it really should be factual and not editorial.

Ever notice that one half the advertising on Global TV is for Shaw internet or Global programs?

I won’t get into the rest of Shaw’s operation, where they laid off all their customer care people in Kelowna or abandoned the big office tower they started years ago. To me this is small-minded thinking by a money losing company run by egomaniacs.

Bruce Stevenson, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News