Muddy Paws owner and groomer Jen Berrigan gives a Yorkie-cross named Rusty a hair cut. (Black Press file)

LETTER: Family traumatized by death of their dog in the hands of a groomer

'We believe that negligence causing the death of a pet is akin to manslaughter'

Our family dog Riley was left under the care of a local business recently and, through what we believe is negligence, she escaped and was fatally struck by a car. Not enough precaution was taken to ensure the safety of our dog. Her loss is devastating and seems to be underestimated in the eyes of law.

The law in Canada, assumes a pet is a piece of property, worth only what you paid for it. Rarely does it take into account the traumatic emotional weight of losing a pet.

This business continues to operate as if nothing happened, besides a cordial visit from the SPCA. The RCMP said that it isn’t a criminal matter, and they won’t even take a statement.

We believe that negligence causing the death of a pet is akin to manslaughter. There are many institutions that should protect families and pets, but none seems to be able to do much. The city, SPCA, RCMP, and the law itself seems to overlook our tragedy.

It’s awful to lose any family pet, but a million times worse when it’s preventable negligence of another that takes them from you. Our laws needs to change and hold people responsible, even if it was an accident.

Dan and Aya Nieva

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