LETTER: Fifty years of baseball life in Whalley has been inspiring

Reader says she considers her family lucky to have ended up with so many wonderful memories from the past 50 years.

During Whalley Little League's 60th Anniversary celebrations earlier this summer, boyhood friends and former Whalley Little League teammates Dennis Springenatic and Rich Bailey joke around in front of the clubhouse mural depicting their fathers, Orest Springenatic and Chuck Bailey. Orest and Chuck were instrumental in the and development of the Whalley Little League.

During Whalley Little League's 60th Anniversary celebrations earlier this summer, boyhood friends and former Whalley Little League teammates Dennis Springenatic and Rich Bailey joke around in front of the clubhouse mural depicting their fathers, Orest Springenatic and Chuck Bailey. Orest and Chuck were instrumental in the and development of the Whalley Little League.

The Editor,

Re: “In Whalley, baseball is a part of life,” the Now, July 14.

Several weeks ago, my husband, our two sons and I were honoured with induction into the Whalley Little League Hall of Fame during the 60-year celebration at Whalley Ball Park.

The park and its community of coaches, parents and players have been a major part of our lives and has given so much back to us. Being surrounded by many dedicated people working toward the same goal of making it possible for kids to develop their ball-playing skills, to the best of their abilities, has been both fun and inspiring.

SEE ALSO: Whalley, where baseball is more than just a sport. It’s a brand.

Sharing a love of the game with so many generations of players and their families continues to give me pleasure. Hearing stories from players coached by my husband and sons, about their lives and about how they now coach their own children, is so very rewarding.

I consider our family to be very lucky to have ended up with so many wonderful memories from the past 50 years.

Thank you, Whalley Little League!

Goldie Springenatic, Surrey

Surrey Now