Letter: Fight for what you want, but try to be civil about it

Editor: I’m a proud resident of Langley.

This is a great place to live, but sometimes my neighbours make me shake my head.

It seems like every pocket of Langley has its controversial issue, which rallies loud haters.

I’m all for fighting for what you believe in; a pool for your community, a new community plan for your neighbourhood, protesting the rapid expansion of a particular area with the lack of amenities to support it.

Or how about a new building in a historically significant village? But why are people so terrible to each other when expressing themselves?

I’ve seen better behaviour at my grandkid’s hockey game.

There is a new building being proposed in Fort Langley.

My understanding is that (even before people knew what it might look like) some had their knickers in a knot.

I find it weird because there are already two other proposals in town with questionable density and height issues but nobody has said anything about them.

A local restaurant is wanting to build an addition to its building but nobody says nothing about that 100-plus seat restaurant having only nine parking spaces.

It seems clear that because some people didn’t like the Coulter Berry building that they are automatically hating anything else that the same builder builds.

In fact, there are over 700 people that follow a Facebook page dedicated to allowing the opposition to say dreadful things about him.

What has this world turned to when people cannot even keep an open mind on a project that nobody has seen before they start slinging mud at each other?

And why do 700 people think that it’s OK to be associated with that?

It makes me sick that such a beautiful place like Langley has such unkind neighbours.

Susan T. Morris,


Langley Times