LETTER: Fire interface control should start with responsible government

We don't have any fire interface control on our highways and byways…

Letter to the editor

To the Editor,

We don’t have any fire interface control on our highways and byways—as in no roadside mowing to control fire risks as well as weed control.

This used to be done three times a year; now it’s not even one time per season.

Our B.C. goverment is great at giving advice and pamphlets on property owners’ risk reduction from wildfires, making it law to have farms and animals registered with them. But they will not make contractors mow to reduce fire hazard on our roadways.

I would at least like a refund on my property tax. Oh and don’t bother trying to contact the highways ministry or the highways contractor: they didn’t return calls.

Karsten Stevens,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News