LETTER: Fletcher’s column is satirical gold

Much to my surprise I discovered that Tom Fletcher and I have some beliefs in common.

Much to my surprise I discovered that Tom Fletcher and I have some beliefs in common.

In his B.C. Views column  (Western News, Aug. 17, Premier Red Green’s fast fixes) Tom humorously took on all the recent attempts by the Christy Clark Liberals to fluff up and polish their unsavoury image. From minimum wage disparities to “this school is closed” to the “I mean that school is now open” nonsense.

Tom’s comparison of Liberal balderdash to duct tape repairs by a fictitious TV character is satirical gold.

Thanks Tom for telling it like it is in the frenzied world of Clark’s electoral angst. Keep that in mind folks, Christy’s abrupt turn-around duct tape fixes are in aid of holding on to a few Liberal seats that are in rocky territory.

Stick Tom’s column to the fridge and re-read several time before the next provincial election, May 9, 2017.

Dianne Bersea




Penticton Western News