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LETTER: Flights from infected countries should be banned

There is no excuse to allow those from infected countries to keep coming to B.C.

Dear Editor:

It is surprising to me that B.C. and Canada have not banned flights from infected countries, still.

A search of arrivals into Vancouver and Toronto Airports still show flights arriving in from multiple destinations in China, London, New York and San Francisco.

All of these are hot spots for the coronavirus and yet our leaders are still allowing them into our country while the rest of us have been forced to make drastic changes in our business and personal lives in order to stop the spread.

READ ALSO: John Horgan extends B.C.’s state of emergency for COVID-19

READ ALSO: LETTER: More efforts needed to stop spread of COVID-19

If we truly wanted to stop the spread, we would shut our borders like the USA has done, to at least slow it, so that we can get a handle on it.

There is no excuse to allow those from infected countries to keep coming to B.C.

Some say, “but they are quarantining.” How do we know? Are they really?

Are there checks by police or others?

Missionaries who I support in Romania returned from the USA to Romania and were put on a 14-day lockdown. One to two times per day the police or military just stop by to say hi and make sure they are doing what they are supposed to.

I know Canada and especially B.C. folks are a welcoming and trusting people but to still allow flights from where the virus originated and other highly infected areas is dumb and bordering on criminal.

Because of this choice by our leaders, how much longer must we stay inside, close our business and face economic catastrophe just because our politicians are afraid to have some backbone and stand up for Canadians first.

We need to write to our politicians and get them to stop flights into Canada from infected countries now, so that Canada and Canadians can recover and get back to living.

Ron Kubek


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