LETTER: Flu shots do more harm than good

LETTER: Flu shots do more harm than good

Every time I walk into Commonwealth Place and they are holding a flu shot clinic my heart aches for the unknowing souls lined up to the door waiting to be jabbed.

Every time I walk into Commonwealth Place and they are holding a flu shot clinic my heart aches for the unknowing souls lined up to the door waiting to be jabbed.

Among other harmful factors, flu shots have 30 times the aluminum allowable for a 110-pound person (American EPA). The shot also contains a surfactant called polysorbate 80 that attaches to the aluminum (and mercury) and very effectively transports the metals past the all important blood brain barrier, where the metals then reside in the brain, wreaking havoc.

All this to have a 10 per cent snowball’s chance (by “the experts” own admission) of protection against something nearly all immune systems can handily take care of, if fortified and cared for. If you doubt the veracity of my comments, watch the documentary entitled “Vaxxed”, then let’s talk.

Tragically, advised consent is not being honoured, or even discussed here in Canada, Big Pharma and obscene corporate profits rule I am sorry to say, I doubt that this will be printed.

Brian Niles


Goldstream News Gazette