LETTER: Follow rules of the road

The social and financial costs of the gangsters in Abbotsford are insignificant compared to the costs of bad driving habits...

The social and financial costs of the gangsters in Abbotsford are insignificant compared to the costs of bad driving habits of “normal” citizens. Everyday in my neighbourhood, I see many drivers blowing stop signs, tailgating, and speeding in 30 km/h zones.

It certainly isn’t the fault of the police. The same citizens who go on about gangsters and grow-ops but break traffic laws are hypocrites and cumulatively more dangerous.

If I recall correctly, the APD issued something like 11,000 traffic tickets last year. I think the traffic fines should be raised. A few points and $200 doesn’t seem to change bad driving behaviours.

Let’s reduce our insurance and policing costs and make our roads safer for us and our loved ones by simply following the rules.

Dave Peterson


Abbotsford News