Letter – Forget excuse of saving water

Letter to the editor from the June 4, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette.

Editor, The Gazette:Forget the excuse of water meters saving water. City Hall claims old infrastructure is a cause by leakage and people are abusing it by using too much water. A simple solution would be to repair the roads and water lines at the same time and also put restrictions on water use, with large fines if restrictions are not followed. Use pipe cameras to find your water leakage. Use our gas tax and road tax money to fix our decaying infrastructure, that way the city won’t have to dig up the road twice and you won’t have to worry about leaking lines instead of blaming the public and using water meters as just another tax grab.Also use education to solve your problem instead of taxing people. I have never seen literature or any info on the importance of conserving water. It’s bad enough property taxes and other taxes go up every year and the public gets less and less for their tax money. Yellow road lines are not enough! We need an audit on City Hall that would be available to the taxpayers. Yes, City Hall needs a good cleaning.James Rankin, Grand Forks

Grand Forks Gazette