LETTER: Forgone conclusion on development

The City and its Officials receive far more benefit both directly and indirectly from the Trethewey family...

For those who attended the Council meeting wherein the Vicarro Ranch housing development was the topic for discussion, it was obvious to those of us who attended it was a forgone conclusion the City and its Officials receive far more benefit both directly and indirectly from the Trethewey family than the limited number of taxpayers affected by the proposed/approved development.

It was so nice to hear the Trethewey family sold the Whatcom Road connector property for $1.00 and we are confident development of 1400 new homes directly off this new road wasn’t in their thought processes in doing so at all.

It was also good to hear from the local Realtor who spoke on behalf of the family development and how generous this donation was and we all should be thankful for it.

Now this Realtor friend of course will not benefit directly either as a result of the new development would he?  No mention was made from the Mayor or Council members that they visited the areas in question to review the concerns of the citizens and we wonder did they just take the feedback from the Trethewey’s and the Realtor that everything is good to go or did they take a real hard look into the development and the effect as per concerns raised by those who had the courage to speak  even though the body language suggested they were wasting their time.  For first time visitors to a City Council meeting it was a real eye opener….. to say the least.

Robert Esau

Abbotsford News