Letters to the editor.

LETTER – Former Comox Valley resident’s views on airplane noise unchanged

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

For what its worth, it’s been five years since our family left the Comox Valley. After 15 odd years of letter-writing to your paper, politicians, local and national, about the insane aircraft noise, from the glider tow planes, and the myriad circling “demonstration teams,” we finally took your readers’ advice to “shut up and move.”

I still find it funny that most Valley folk think the best way to deal with the toxic levels of aircraft noise is to shut up anyone who speaks up.

Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper called for our Canadian Forces to exhibit “more teeth than tail.” Where do the Snowbirds, the CF18 Demonstration team, the CFB Cadet gliders, or the circling boxcars Skyhawks parachutists fall on this spectrum?

The Snowbirds are the most dangerous wing of Canadian military aviation since bomber command during the Second World War. When yet another one falls from the sky onto a neighbourhood, like the one last year in Kamloops, I worry about all my friends and colleagues in the Comox Valley.

Fifty years of the Snowbirds flying circus and 10 outstanding Canadians are so prematurely dead. For what? Public relations? As a pro-soldier person that arrogance makes me sick. The brass don’t like to talk about this in their public relations do they?

For what its worth I’ll stick my head up again and ask what is Stephen Harper’s tail, public relations, and a little ground based titillation worth? The last crash ominously enough was onto houses near an airport, just like CFB Comox.

It’s funny, but also sad how many pro-forces hard heads have such soft spots for this circling noise nonsense. If you really loved the forces people wouldn’t you ask about the price, the purpose, and the consequences of this fluff?

For once can someone respond to my facts with a coherent defense and not personal attack, vitriol, or hyperbole? Just justify the cost.

Steve W. Hodge,


Comox Valley Record