LETTER: Former mayor has questions for Penticton City Council

Former mayor has questions for Penticton City Council on a range of spending topics

Many people have asked me why the city is donating 10 per cent of the casino revenue, stated to be $168,000 a year, to the Penticton Indian Band?

It’s a question and answer I too would like to hear from city council. Was it for a special joint project? Was it to help the PIB develop their property east of the airport? Was it to save having a land claim on the new location of the casino? Or was it dictated to the city from the lottery foundation, or dictated to the city by the province?

No disrespect to the PIB for negotiating this to their benefit whatever they are going to use this monetary gift from the city council for it is now their money to do with as they please.

We tax subscribing resident’s are entitled to know the answer to this transfer of city casino revenue because come budget time we taxpaying residents will have to pick up the shortfall.

The 200 block on Main Street is looking pretty good, but where are the bike racks and benches a necessary part of any downtown? Are they going to dig the blocks up later to install them at an additional cost? Answers please.

Jake Kimberley



Penticton Western News