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LETTER: Fort Langley perfect spot for pot shop, resident argues

If a cannabis shop wants to open, I say, "go for it," letter writer says

Dear Editor,


Narrow minded opinion about cannabis stores and their effect to an area.

I for one look forward to a cannabis shop or two or three in the Fort Langley area.

I live in Fort Langley and want to see my community thrive.

I see many people from all walks of life visit our small town and find it funny that only a short 35 years ago, when I first moved to the area. It was a forgotten town with a Saw Mill that people would passed on their way to the Albion Ferry.

• READ MORE: One third of applications for Township cannabis stores focus on Aldergrove

This town struggled for years to grow and its just establish now a fun, festival filled place to come and enjoy. We have had many different shops and food providers come and go. And I will continue to see that happen, as weather really effects the popularity of visits to our town.

If a cannabis shop wants to open, I say, “go for it.” I hope you can survive in this small direct market. To be sustainable, you are going to need to do more that just sell cannabis products, as those slow seasonal times are going to reduce your profitability.

I suggest a combination tattoo, body piercing, vaping, pot shop. That should make you a well rounded shop that will bring out all us crazies and bad influencers. Bring those small minded opinions to a mouth-opening stand still.

Good luck.

David Montana, Fort Langley


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Langley Advance Times