LETTER: Fossil fuels should be kept in the ground

Tom Fletcher's tirade against people who want a habitable world is demonic thinking

Dear Editor:

Tom Fletcher’s continued tirade against people who want their future offspring to continue living in a habitable world is demonic thinking.

I’m sure Dr. David Suzuki, a renowned biologist and environmentalist, won’t mind me helping to spread the word about the importance of keeping our fossil fuels in the ground as much as possible and promoting clean energy at the same time.

“The fossil fuel era must end, or it will spell humanity’s end. The threat isn’t just from pollution and accelerating climate change. Rapid, wasteful exploitation of these valuable resources has also led to a world choked in plastic. Almost all plastics are made from fossil fuels, often by the same companies that produce oil and gas.

“Our profligate use of plastics has created swirling masses in ocean gyres. It’s worse than once thought. New research concludes that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is 16 times larger than previously estimated, with 79,000 tonnes of plastic churning through 1.6 million square kilometres of the North Pacific. That’s larger than the area of Quebec — and it continues to grow! Researchers say if we don’t clean up our act, the oceans will have more plastics by weight than fish by 2050.”

Our society is starting to recognize people living now and in the past whose contributions to the world we live in are and were negative.

Someday, I suspect, if they are remembered at all, anti-environmentalists like Mr. Fletcher, will have their effigies hung and their writings removed from every source.

Frank Martens


Summerland Review