Letters editor@theprogress.com.

LETTER: Free meal a lovely treat for senior couple

'We hope there is a bright future ahead of you'

My husband and I are in our late 80s and enjoy going out to dinner every so often. On Saturday, Aug. 28 we were on the patio of one of the new downtown restaurants enjoying our meal. At the table beside us were five young ladies who had finished their meal and were now having an animated conversation.

Three of them left while the other two stayed a bit longer before getting up too. The tall, blonde young woman nearest to us stopped, asking whether we were celebrating a special event. No, we were not.

“How long have you been married?” was the next questions. Oh, just over 61 years.

She appeared to be very surprised.

“That is a very long time,” was her remark.

(When our own three children were teenagers, very few of their classmates had their original parents.)

We exchanged a few more lines an wished each other a good evening, and she left.

We then had our dessert and when our waitress came at last with our bill, she remarked that it had only our dessert and coffee on it, the dinner and drinks having been paid for by the aforementioned young lady.

We were absolutely stunned.

In fact, we were quite choked up.

Whatever moved you to your most kind deed, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We hope there is a bright future ahead of you and that you may live it in good health.

David and Gretel Hunter

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