
Letter: Freedom of information not working

My request was made almost six months ago and still not even an acknowledgement of my complaint

Freedom of information not working

So the Federal Information Commissioner is about to investigate the National Archives because of their “ongoing failure” to “provide timely responses” for the public is he? “Information Czar investigates handling of archival spy files”, Times Colonist May 19/21.

In British Columbia, what the public needs is a commissioner to investigate the commissioner of the Freedom of Information! Why you ask? Well, the commissioner is guilty of the same offence, but worse still, not even responding to public complaints.

My request was made almost six months ago and still not even an acknowledgement of my complaint. So much for “timely responses”.

Freedom of Information my ass! The Act is nothing more than a ridiculous facade, and worst still, we have a corrupt media that fails to investigate the ongoing joke!

We live in a corrupt province from the top down.

John Walker

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen