Letter from the Cranbrook and Kimberley Medical Staff Association

Letter from the Cranbrook and Kimberley Medical Staff Association

Letter from the Cranbrook and Kimberley Medical Staff Association

We are here for you. We are your local physicians here in the East Kootenays. Together with our nurses, allied healthcare professionals, and hospital staff, we have been preparing for the COVID-19 pandemic for weeks. You may not realize that we have been working behind the scenes to ensure that we are as ready as we can be for this pandemic. We are fully committed to doing whatever we need to do to help you and your family's healthcare needs during these uncertain times.

We are here for you. We are your local physicians here in the East Kootenays. Together with our nurses, allied healthcare professionals, and hospital staff, we have been preparing for the COVID-19 pandemic for weeks. You may not realize that we have been working behind the scenes to ensure that we are as ready as we can be for this pandemic. We are fully committed to doing whatever we need to do to help you and your family’s healthcare needs during these uncertain times.

We urge you to review the daily communications from our Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, regarding what is appropriate behaviour during this outbreak. In the flight of life, we are going through some turbulent times. Although there are some who may find the current measures to be drastic, now is not the time for all of us to take a turn being the pilot. We have to behave under the assumption that there are active cases in our communities. We implore you to follow all the Public Health Guidelines as outlined by Dr. Bonnie Henry. Staying at home and practicing social distancing is the best way for citizens to help their community.

Our Emergency Department and doctors’ offices will be open during this crisis. For clinic appointments please call ahead to make an appointment and let us screen you to determine where it is safest for you to go. We have cancelled most elective surgeries to make room for COVID-19 patients. We want to make sure that we have room to still see and manage all patients with urgent health needs, both COVID-19 related and unrelated.

No one knows how long these measures will be in place. We all need to adapt quickly to mitigate the fallout from this infection. We will do the best that we can to ensure that your healthcare needs are being met.

Cranbrook and Kimberley Medical Staff Association

Cranbrook Townsman