Letter: Generosity in Langley helps ‘make muscles move’

Langley Township firefighters' boot drive in support of Muscular Dystrophy Canada raised more than $50,000 last weekend.

Dear Editor,

On Sept. 16, 17, and 18, Township of Langley firefighters once again held out their boots to show their support for Muscular Dystrophy Canada.

And once again, the community’s response was overwhelming.

Residents donated $50,233.40 to help “make muscles move” and improve the quality of lives for those living with neuromuscular disorders.

Because of you, every year we exceed expectations.

We are extremely grateful to those who contributed, and to the businesses that kindly allowed us to fundraise at their locations

Langley Township firefighters are very proud to be a part of this giving and generous community and we would like to thank everyone who supported the 2016 Muscular Dystrophy Boot Drive.

Township of Langley Fire Fighters

Langley Advance