LETTER: Get it together

Sadly, it seems that the potential development issue at Skaha Lake Park, is becoming even more ludicrous than anyone could have imagined.

Sadly, it seems that the potential development issue at Skaha Lake Park, is becoming even more ludicrous than anyone could have imagined.

Another hat has been thrown in the ring. Contestants now include: Trio (now Duo), the developer, and their enablers at the chamber of commerce and in the City of Penticton administration. Mayor Jakubeit, the Supreme Potentate of Penticton — answerable to no one. The Save Skaha Park Society, with several thousand members firmly opposed to the Skaha Park development schemes. Now activating a lawsuit against the city.

And now an individual who has attempted to bring the city to task, unsuccessfully so far, for their inaction on bylaw infractions at the Skaha Lake Marina. This person has now also instigated a lawsuit against the development at Skaha Lake Park.

It would be great to see all of the above, sit around a table and clear up this mess once and for all. The fact of the matter is, there will never be an increased commercial development in Skaha Lake Park. Those who don’t believe this should picture the TV news coverage of several thousand people in Skaha Lake Park waving placards at the bulldozers and having the RCMP try and cut their chains from the trees.

John McLeod, Penticton


Penticton Western News