LETTER: Giving thanks

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful staff at Eckhart Senior Service.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful staff at Eckhart Senior Service.

I have had to use their service frequently during the past few weeks to attend daily medical appointments and have found their drivers to be very courteous and caring. They always open the door for me, help me in and out of their vehicles, see that I get safely into my appointment or home. Their vehicles are always very clean.

This past week I was booking my appointment for the next day, the lady answering the phone recognized that my speech seemed different and affected, suggested I go to the ER and immediately sent one of their cars to pick me up. She was right, as I was kept in hospital overnight for observation and treatment for a mini-stroke. She may have saved my life! Not all staff are so caring and observant.

Again, thank you, thank you!

Joan Robertson




Penticton Western News