LETTER: Glad that council took over the park

Buildings were going up, funding not in place, no plan for the future and the public still had to use crappy washroom facilities.

I would like to make comment on the story of the observatory.

As a concerned, long-time resident I have heard enough. When the city took over from the Mission Heritage Association (MHA), my thoughts were great, because I sure did not like what I was seeing.

Buildings were going up, funding not in place, no plan for the future and the public still had to use crappy washroom facilities, (new ones not opened and in a poor location). Then we learn the Blackberry Kitchen did not get proper washrooms. City officials should have been involved a long time ago.

Someone had great aspirations but the MHA should have been answerable to why they spent thousands of dollars without proper planning. It’s good that this council has the guts to get it straight. I’ve heard enough.

Ron Ballard



Mission City Record