Letter: Global warming campaign has failed

The most expensive public relations campaign in western civilized history has failed to gain many believers, writes Roland Seguin.

Dear Editor,

A new US Gallop Poll puts global warming worriers in demographic perspective.

This should resonate in Canada, as the media is similar.

“Importantly, even as global warming has received greater attention from politicians and the media in recent years, Americans’ worry is no higher now than when Gallop first asked about it in 1989.”

The category of “how much do you personally worry a great deal” is down to 32 per cent.

The most expensive public relations campaign in western civilized history has in the last 25 years failed to gain many believers, but the political alarmism crusade is being cranked up ever higher.

The global warming/climate change threat agenda has traditionally been politicized, with Liberal/NDP/Green leftists on the pro side, and Conservatives being more skeptical.

Hyped up climate fears and enviro-threats are used by politicians to justify increasing government revenue like carbon taxes.

As they ratchet up the sensationalism, we appear to becoming blasé and weary of the constant threat of catastrophic disasters.

The oceans didn’t rise like Al Gore promised. CO2 increased but the mean earth surface temperature didn’t like they said it would.

The movement started off fairly civilized but now it’s getting downright nasty.

The ‘warmists’ have declared the debate to be over, but without conversation, how would they attract more believers?

How effective a winner can the global warming environmental movement be to the left if, after a 25-year campaign of expensive political and cultural pressure, they have failed to win over the public?

It appears the vast majority consider our ability to adapt to the warming trend we have been under since the last ice age preferable to the uncertain cost of an ideological cure that may be worse than the disease.

Roland Seguin, Langley

Langley Advance