Letter: Global warming denial detrimental

Dear Editor,

The letter Global warming campaign has failed [May 26 Community Forum, Langley Advance] should have been more aptly named “Global warming denial industry is effective.”

The media has also been complicit in supporting the ‘denialist’s’ claims that the science is unsettled by giving equal time to the deniers.

An unintended, but happy consequence for the denial industry is the recruitment of the likes of Roland Seguin, the “old stock” science illiterates whose supposed knowledge and understanding far exceeds that of the 97 per cent of climate scienctists who concur that climate change is happening and the humans have contributed significantly to this warming.

Like millions of others being duped by the denial industry, Mr. Seguin is being used by a faction that couldn’t care less about his or his family’s future welfare.

Their job is to make money for its shareholders, full stop.

What they are doing and how they are doing it may be immoral, but not illegal.

Mr. Seguin, then slides into disparaging anyone who disagrees with him as “leftists.”

The U.S. military and CIA recognize the impact of human-caused climate change and the massive social disruption and international instability that it is even now causing.

Understandably, accepting climate change and one’s role in it affects one’s value system and very identity, and makes acceptance very difficult.

Contributions by the likes of that letter are extremely unhelpful to anyone struggling to come to terms with their role in climate change.

Mr. Seguin, the science is settled. Climate change is upon our civilizations on a worldwide basis. And humans have their fingerprints all over it.

You are contributing nothing to this conversation but misinformation.

Please get out of the way of ordinary citizens needing to deal with reality and contribute to climate change mitigation/adaptation without you poking a stick into the wheels of progress.

John Evanochko, Langley



Langley Advance