Letter: God not so small he can’t attend to our everyday minutia

If Mr. King were to…sincerely ask God what the truth is, he might be blown away with the answer.

To the editor:

Mr. Guy King (Faith: Indoctrination of Believers ‘Incomprehensible,’ Aug. 1 Capital News.) scorns the faith of Mr. Norris (Crash Nearly Sends Motorhome into Wood Lake, July 26 Capital News) who survived what was a potential disaster, and then goes on to label him and others of his persuasion as exhibiting “unfathomable arrogance.”

Where is the arrogance if Mr. Norris and others have examined the evidence as presented in the Bible, have, as the Bible says “tasted and seen that the Lord is good,” and have chosen to walk in the light of that evidence?

God is not so small that he can attend to only one tragedy at a time, but he is near to all those who call on him.  There is no one and no place that is “literally God-forsaken”.   It is quite clear from what Mr. Guy has written that he has little knowledge of what the BIble actually says.

Perhaps if Mr. King were to examine the evidence with an open mind, and sincerely ask God what the truth is, he might be blown away with the answer.

Vic Trudeau,



Kelowna Capital News