Letter: Golf shouldn’t include game of chicken getting there

One does not need to speed to get where one is going, especially if one wants to get there.

To the editor:

One does not need to speed to get where one is going, especially if one wants to get there.

It took us 33 minutes to get to the course, and we enjoyed our round of golf also. This was staying at the posted speeds, stopping at stop signs and what have you on the road from West Kelowna to Penticton.

And we also spotted a mountain goat on the way.

I should mention that the passing lanes are a blessing as they allow the speeders to get out of view of the beauty of this drive, which includes the goat.

We also should mention that trucks were the dominant force of these speed demons who have no patience with those such as we who drive at the posted speed.

I wonder if they actually can tell the difference between km/h and mph? I guess not as their education did not include that portion of the curriculum.

I feel so bad as I read of the toll we have in accidents on the road.

Things could be worse as speeders “get my goat” but we can hope that we all get to play a round of golf, versus the game of “chicken” on the highway.


West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News