Letter: Good rent if you can get it

The only reason this is happening is because of the cozy, intimate, relationship between the city and the tourism association.

To the editor:

$7.5 million property, 15 cents a month rent.

This is the rent that Kelowna city council on our behalf will charge Tourism Kelowna, an association of private businesses, for the Queensway waterfront property over 29 years. That property is valued at $7.5 million.

Angry yet?

The mayor, council, and their backers count on our apathy. It is time to say no. No more.

The only reason this is happening is because of the cozy, intimate, relationship between the city and the association.

This misuse of land and money must be challenged. Let us all do something daily or weekly to stop this from happening; letters, demonstrations, boycotts, whatever you can do.

This is not an anti-business movement. The people I have met, including myself, are all active or retired business people. We, as well as the vast majority of citizens just know this waterfront project is dead wrong.

Without a firm stand, this will continue with other parks, new and existing.

Don Henderson, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News