Letter: Good Samaritans come to the rescue

"In my discombobulated state I omitted to ask for names or even say thank you properly."

To the letter:

Tuesday, Feb. 10, at about 11:30 a.m. I had a car accident on the highway going toward Westbank and went over the embankment. Luckily I wasn’t injured.

Within minutes a Godd Samaritan had me out of the smoking wreck and sitting in his warm truck. A woman (small son in tow) and another gentleman soon after arrived on the scene. She kindly retrieved some personal items from my car that I was overly fussing about.

Ambulance and police were called by them and I was soon on my way to hospital.

In my discombobulated state I omitted to ask for names or even say thank you properly. I want so much to show my gratitude to these wonderful people. I was shocky and shaky and their kindness, patience and gentle caring manner calmed me and literally got me through that rough time. To think they found their way to the bottom of the enbankment and with no thought for themselves, helped me.

Whoever you are, please know how grateful I am. You certainly earned your wings.

Louise Sjoquist, Kelowna

PS: A big thank you also to the ambulance staff and police. They went over and above the demand of their job.

Kelowna Capital News