Letter: Government traffic stats get heated kickback

HOV lanes…seem of doubtful benefit on Harvey Avenue.

To the editor:

You have to wonder if the high volume of accidents on Harvey Avenue intersections might be in part related to the HOV lanes.

Major capital investments made this a six-lane street, which should contribute to relatively smooth flow of traffic. However, reducing the majority of traffic to travel in two lanes seems to add to confusion and congestion, in my observation.

HOV lanes seem effective on highways in locations with clear employment destinations, but seem of doubtful benefit on Harvey Avenue.  If the goal is to increase car-pooling, would it not make sense to limit these restrictions to the commuting hours, as the rest of North America normally does? Could it be that the additional idling due to congestion is adding to carbon emissions, not reducing them?

Dennis Ekvall,



Kelowna Capital News