Letter: Gov’t takes ‘healthy portion’ of lottery money

(The B.C.) government already takes a healthy portion of gaming revenues.

To the editor:

Fay Buss’s father (Lottery Winners Can Pay Up Tax, March 19 Capital News) suggests lottery winners should be taxed five per cent on their winnings.

Perhaps they both do not realize government already takes a healthy portion of gaming revenues.  The BCLC website http://www.gaming.gov.bc.ca/revenue/index.htm#one states the following:

“Total revenues from gaming in B.C. were approximately $2.7 billion in 2011/12. After expenses, including prize payouts, total government revenues from gaming were about $1.11 billion.”

It also states that: $843.8 million of this $1.11 billion goes to government programs. Those listed are: Healthcare and schools.

If you ask me, I would object to his idea

T. Kinsman

West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News